The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday evening, November 6 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Patrick Gibbs, Council Members: Amber Fischer, Verlan Wagoner, Dennis Mote, Jay Sharp, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell, City Superintendent Dennis Sharp.
Mayor Patrick Gibbs called the regular meeting for November 6, 2023 to order at 5:30 p.m. Treasure Bev Elder discussed moving some of the City’s money into a high yield money market. Mr. Wagoner moved to move $1,000,000.00 to a high yield money market, Mr. Mote Seconded the motion, motion approved.
Sunday liquor sales were discussed. Mr. Hurlburt advised we need to repeal Ordinance #555 for Sunday Cereal Malt Beverage Sales and adopt Ordinance #557 for Sunday Liquor Sales. Jay motioned to approve to repeal Ordinance #555 for Sunday Cereal Malt Beverage sales and adopt Ordinance #557 Sunday liquor sales, Mr. Wagoner seconded the motion, Mr. Mote voted yes, Mrs. Fischer abstained, motion approved.
Cowles Motor Company applied for a Salvage License. Motion was made by Mr. Mote to pass the application for Salvage License for Cowles Motor Company. Mrs. Fischer seconded the motion, motion approved.
WCC, Inc. Preparation and Consulting Agreement was discussed. Mr. Jay Sharp motioned to pass WCC, Inc. Preparation and Consulting Agreement, seconded by Mr. Mote.
Mr. Mote moved to approve the Council Meeting minutes of the October 2, 2023 meeting at 5:30 pm, motion was seconded by Mr. Jay Sharp, motion approved.
Mr. Jay Sharp moved to accept payroll and vouchers as presented, Mr. Mote seconded the motion, motion approved.
Requisition submitted for ¼ of a Drone purchased by the Fire Department. Mrs. Fischer moved to pass the Requisition of ¼ of a Drone for the Fire Department. Mr. Wagoner seconded the motion, motion approved.
Requisition submitted for a copier and scanner. Mr. Mote moved to approve the requisition for a new copier and scanner, motion seconded by Mr. Sharp, motion approved.
Requisition submitted for new computers. Motion was made by Mr. Jay sharp to approve the requisition for new computers, Mr. Wagoner seconded, motion approved.
A Bed Tax request was submitted for Lexi Heyl for the Autumn Wind Festival. Mr. Jay sharp motioned to approve the Bed Tax request, Mr. Mote seconded the motion, motion approved.
City Superintendent Report: City Superintendent Dennis Sharp gave his monthly report. Mr. Dennis Sharp reported Alicia Collett is a new member on the Housing Board. Mr. Jay Sharp moved to approve Alicia Collett as a new member of the Housing Board, Mrs. Fischer seconded, motion approved. Mr. Sharp also advised we need to place an ad in the Western times and on our City of Sharon Springs Facebook page to advertise for help wanted for a General City Worker.
City Attorney Report: Mr. Hurlburt notified Council that Mark E. Helstrom had failed to appeal the Condemnation order on 404 Elm St. The City can move forward on the condemnation.
Council Member Reports: Bed Tax committee was discussed by Mr. Jay Sharp.
City Clerk Report: City Clerk Wendy Keadle submitted to Council for a software update. Software update will be tabled until further information is available from other software companies.
Next Regular Meeting ~ December 4th, 2023 ~ 5:30 p.m.
Special Meeting~December 21st, 2023 at 5:00p.m.Year End Tranfers/Personnel
Water usage report for the water wells was included in the council packets.
Mr. Jay Sharp moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m.; Mr. Mote, seconded the motion, motion approved.
Patrick Gibbs, Mayor
Wendy Keadle, City Clerk
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President of the Council Jay Sharp, Steve Paul, Tim Elder, AB Smith, Dennis Mote, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, October 7, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President of the Council Jay Sharp, Steve Paul, Tim Elder, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]
PAGE 2603 DATE September 3, 2024 RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNING BODY Approved October 7, 2024 The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: Tim Elder,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, City... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall meeting room. Agenda item: 1. Bid from McCormick Asphalt Paving-a Division of Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc. ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were President of the Council: Jay Sharp and Council Members: Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, Wendy Keadle, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room on December 9th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room on November 11th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on October 14th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on September 9th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
1. CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in Special Session for the Budget Hearing at 6:53 pm in the Board Room on September 9th, 2023 with President Eric Purvis presiding. 2. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT:... [More]
1. CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in Special Session for the Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing at 6:40 pm in the Board Room on September 9, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. 2. ROLL CALL... [More]
The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, September 5, 2024, at 5:30 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Purvis called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Members Present:... [More]
REGULAR MEETING: CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on August 12th, 2024 with Mr. Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr.... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Becky Larson, Commissioner, Mike Cowles, Commissioner and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 32045-32098, the amount of $ 55,469.44 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk present. Also in attendance, Anthony Garcia, Road Department Supervisor and an applicant for a County Road... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31989-32044, the amount of $ 77,221.15 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Larry Townsend, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk, present. Warrants #31933-31988 in the amount of $77,221.15 were approved for payment.... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk present. Also present were Brian Gailey, Will Walker and Norm Pilger. The meeting was called to order... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioners, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31800-31852 in the amount of $ 44,541.49 were approved for... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioners, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31737 – 31799 in the amount of $ 70,386.08 were approved... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Townsend for business at 11:00a.m. Commissioner... [More]
Open the Online Edition for January 9, 2025 and turn to page 6 for November minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for January 16, 2025 and turn to page 6 for the October minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for January 2, 2025 and turn to page 6 for September minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for December 26, 2024 and turn to page 5 for 3 sets of special meeting minutes from USD 241.
SPECIAL BOARD MEETING August 20, 2024 4:30 P.M. Library ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandy Cullens Brad Chubb; via phone Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Waiver of Notice: Waiver... [More]
REGULAR BOARD MEETING REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 12, 2024 6:30 P.M. LIBRARY ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, President Stephanie Johnson, Vice President Craig Sloan, Camren Funk, Sandy Cullens, Mark Kuhlman Brad Chubb, (via telephone) Christy Hammer, Superintendent; Andrew... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, President, Stephanie Johnson, Vice President Sandy Cullens, Camron Funk, Craig Sloan, Mark Kuhlman, Brad Chubb, via telephone, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, Principal, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk, Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson Craig Sloan Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandra Cullens Brad Chubb (Absent) Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal/A.D. JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Valerie Poe, Retiring Clerk, Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]
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