The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President of the Council Jay Sharp, Steve Paul, Tim Elder, AB Smith, Dennis Mote, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell, City Foreman Donald Henderson, Tyson McGreer, James Wright, Bart and Whitney Larson, Lisa Walker, Raya Wagoner, Aften Gardner, and Camille Murphy.
Mayor Wagoner called the regular meeting for Monday, November 4, 2024 to order at 5:30 p.m.
James Wright, Key Accounts and Member Services Manager, Midwest Energy, Inc., spoke with council in regards to the gas franchise tax that is paid to the City of Sharon Springs. Mr. Wright presented a renewal ordinance for the natural gas franchise for 20 years. Percentages can be evaluated and renegotiated every 5 years during this period. Mr. Jay Sharp moved to approve this ordinance with three percent on sales and two percent on therms. Mr. Paul seconded the motion, motion carried. This will be Ordinance #560. Mr. Wright will get the ordinance published in The Western Times after all signatures are acquired. Mr. Wright left the meeting.
Mr. Mote moved to renew the salvage license of Cowles Motor, Company, Inc. Mr. Smith seconded the motion, motion approved.
Aften Gardner, President of the Sharon Springs Library Board updated the Council on their board memberships. Vicki Strawn and Treasurer Lexi Heyl have come off the board and have been replaced by board appointments of Shelly Bellamy and Cindy Harold. Mrs. Gardner states that Amber Brown is the new bookkeeper and Jamie Hawkins is now the Treasurer. Mrs. Gardner gave an appreciation of thanks of the City Crew for offering assistance with Christmas lights this upcoming holiday season. Mrs. Gardner left the meeting.
Raya Wagoner and Lisa Walker of the Beautification Committee discussed with Council about the possibility of the City maintaining ownership of the flower pots on Main Street. Previously the Wallace County Foundation retained ownership. Mrs. Wagoner and Mrs. Walker explained that the Beautification Committee volunteers would provide water and maintenance of the flower pots. Council discussed Beautification Committee using their funds of $379.00 on supplies before year end. Mr. Sharp made a motion that the City would retain ownership as requested by the Beautification Committee. Mr. Paul seconded the motion, motion approved. Mrs. Wagoner and Mrs. Walker left the meeting.
Bart and Whitney Larson presented to Council their request for use of City utilities (both water and three phase electricity) for their new business venture located outside City limits. Council discussed with the Larson’s what their projected expenses would be for said project and also the need for a back flow preventer. Mr. Larson would relay this information about the back flow preventer to his plumber. Motion was made by AB Smith to allow Mr. and Mrs. Bart Larson use of City utilities. Mr. Paul seconded the motion, motion approved. Mr. and Mrs. Bart Larson left the meeting.
Camille Murphy presented to Council her building permit for her business awning. Mrs. Murphy did receive state approval for the awning request since last Council meeting. Mr. Sharp made a motion to approve her building permit for the awning. Mr. Mote seconded the motion, motion approved. Mrs. Murphy left the meeting.
Tyson McGreer, KMEA (Kansas Municipal Energy Agency) presented to Council information on transmission costs and a solar agreement. No action was taken. Mr. McGreer left the meeting.
A Bed Tax request from Amie Gibbs was presented on behalf of Mistletoe and Moonlight. Mr. Paul made a motion to approve the request of $250 for advertising for the December 2024 event. Mr. Mote seconded the motion, motion approved.
Engagement letters of WCC, Inc. and Mapes and Miller was discussed. City Attorney Hurlburt would like to see language or mention of their rates in the engagement letters. Councilman Steve Paul would like to have clarification of services provided by WCC, Inc. and Mapes and Miller. Councilmen would like more information and decided to table the execution of the engagement letters with a motion made by Dennis Mote. Motion was seconded by Mr. Sharp, motion approved. A phone call was made to Amie Sharp, with WCC, Inc. Mrs. Sharp was put on speakerphone for questions regarding work that WCC, Inc. did in the past regarding pre-audit work and yearly budget. Mrs. Sharp informed Council to reach out to Cindy Tustin. Call was ended with Mrs. Sharp. Mrs. Tustin was called as well and put on speakerphone for Council to inquire of language drafted in the engagement letters. Mrs. Tustin reiterated that moving forward Mapes and Miller would prepare the budget and would still continue to do the audit. WCC, Inc. would continue to do the pre-audit services, prepare 1099’s, year-end payroll and assist the City staff with accounting and tax matters. Call was ended with Mrs. Tustin. Mr. Sharp made a motion to go forward with the execution of the engagement letters to WCC, Inc. and Mapes and Miller. Mr. Smith seconded the motion, motion approved.
The sidewalk food pantry sidewalk was discussed again. Mr. Henderson is to reach out to A & D Concrete LLC and get an updated bid with and without some additional footage.
Mr. Smith moved to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 7, 2024. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paul, motion approved.
Mr. Paul moved to accept payroll and vouchers as presented: voucher checks - #31448-#31476; manual checks - #31432;#31477-#31483; payroll checks - #31433-#31447; voided check #31443 and ACH #663 and #664. Mr. Mote seconded the motion, motion approved.
Requisitions were presented to Council from Foley Equipment in the amount of $734.50, Smith and Loveless in the amount of $78.83 and BSE in the amount of 1169.60. Mr. Sharp made a motion to approve requisitions. The motion was seconded by Mr. Paul, motion approved.
City Superintendent Report: City Foreman Donald Henderson attended the meeting and updated council on various projects. Two proposals were mentioned. A proposal from B & H Paving for $34,500.00 and a proposal from Inland Potable Services for $3,150.00.
City Attorney Report: No report.
Council Member Reports: Mr. Wagoner mentioned to Council that Wallace had some reports of high nitrates in their water and some discussion followed of options they may need to pursue. Mr. Wagoner reminded office staff of the annual fee of $500.00 payable to Stan Sommerfeld for water usage from Well #10. Bettis Asphalt and Construction Inc. needs to be contacted to complete some work that was proposed. Some proposed chip seal work on Carrie Street and Park Street was discussed. At 8:18 pm Mr. Sharp made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes for non-elected personnel. Mrs. Van Allen and Mrs. Mitchell left the meeting at 8:18 pm and were invited back into the meeting at 8:28 pm. Council offered an applicant a position with the City.
City Clerk Report: Kathy McDaniels contacted the office regarding broken up sidewalk and driveway around the area of the Senior Center. Clerk Van Allen has spoke with Camille Murphy and the Thirsty Store Liquor License fee of $300.00 will be submitted the following day.
Next Regular Meeting ~ December 2, 2024 ~ 5:30 p.m.
Water usage report for the water wells was included in the council packets.
Mr. Sharp moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Mr. Mote, seconded the motion, motion approved.
Verlan Wagoner, Mayor
Angie Van Allen, City Clerk
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, October 7, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President of the Council Jay Sharp, Steve Paul, Tim Elder, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]
PAGE 2603 DATE September 3, 2024 RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNING BODY Approved October 7, 2024 The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: Tim Elder,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, City... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall meeting room. Agenda item: 1. Bid from McCormick Asphalt Paving-a Division of Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc. ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were President of the Council: Jay Sharp and Council Members: Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, Wendy Keadle, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Angie Van Allen,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room on December 9th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room on November 11th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on October 14th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on September 9th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr.... [More]
1. CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in Special Session for the Budget Hearing at 6:53 pm in the Board Room on September 9th, 2023 with President Eric Purvis presiding. 2. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT:... [More]
1. CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in Special Session for the Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing at 6:40 pm in the Board Room on September 9, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding. 2. ROLL CALL... [More]
The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, September 5, 2024, at 5:30 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Purvis called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL Members Present:... [More]
REGULAR MEETING: CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on August 12th, 2024 with Mr. Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr.... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Becky Larson, Commissioner, Mike Cowles, Commissioner and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 32045-32098, the amount of $ 55,469.44 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk present. Also in attendance, Anthony Garcia, Road Department Supervisor and an applicant for a County Road... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31989-32044, the amount of $ 77,221.15 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Larry Townsend, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk, present. Warrants #31933-31988 in the amount of $77,221.15 were approved for payment.... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Debbie Welsh, Deputy County Clerk present. Also present were Brian Gailey, Will Walker and Norm Pilger. The meeting was called to order... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioners, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31800-31852 in the amount of $ 44,541.49 were approved for... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioners, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31737 – 31799 in the amount of $ 70,386.08 were approved... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Townsend for business at 11:00a.m. Commissioner... [More]
Open the Online Edition for January 9, 2025 and turn to page 6 for November minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for January 16, 2025 and turn to page 6 for the October minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for January 2, 2025 and turn to page 6 for September minutes from USD 241.
Open the Online Edition for December 26, 2024 and turn to page 5 for 3 sets of special meeting minutes from USD 241.
SPECIAL BOARD MEETING August 20, 2024 4:30 P.M. Library ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandy Cullens Brad Chubb; via phone Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Waiver of Notice: Waiver... [More]
REGULAR BOARD MEETING REGULAR BOARD MEETING AUGUST 12, 2024 6:30 P.M. LIBRARY ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, President Stephanie Johnson, Vice President Craig Sloan, Camren Funk, Sandy Cullens, Mark Kuhlman Brad Chubb, (via telephone) Christy Hammer, Superintendent; Andrew... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, President, Stephanie Johnson, Vice President Sandy Cullens, Camron Funk, Craig Sloan, Mark Kuhlman, Brad Chubb, via telephone, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, Principal, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk, Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson Craig Sloan Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandra Cullens Brad Chubb (Absent) Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal/A.D. JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Valerie Poe, Retiring Clerk, Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]
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