Commissioner Proceedings 5/14/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, Deputy County Clerk and Brionna Colvin, County Clerk present. 
Christine Smith, County Treasurer and Marhsall Unruh, Sheriff entered the meeting. 
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Larson at 8:32 a.m.
Warrants # 31103-31167 in the amount of $ 121,077.85 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount of $58,306.18 for the working period of April 14, 2024 through April 27, 2024 were approved for payment. 
A semi-truck got stuck on Old Highway 40 on Monday May 13th. It took about 4 hours for the truck to get unstuck. 
Maggie Figurilli, Register of Deeds entered the meeting.
Maggie has been getting notifications by the Register of Deeds Association that fraudulent deeds have been getting turned in. Maggie would like to know from the commissioners if a fraudulent deed recording detection system is needed in Wallace County. Maggie has gotten a few bids from different companies. Maggie presented the bids. 
Chairman Townsend entered the meeting. 
The commissioners would like to have Maggie take a poll and see if community members feel the need for this service. Maggie will report back at the end of June.
Duane Barber, Building and Grounds entered the meeting.
The north park bathroom concrete is torn up. Will Walker is repairing the pipes at the north park due to them being cracked. The pool is completely sand blasted, and the seams have been filled. Terry Dobbs, TeHe Enterprises is waiting for the weather to cooperate so that he can get it painted. Will Walker will be working on the courthouse sewer Memorial Weekend. 
Anthony Garcia, Road and Bridge Supervisor and Kathie Lay, Road Clerk entered the meeting.
Road Applications were presented to Anthony and Kathie. Anthony will be going to a conference in Topeka next week. Andrew has been out spraying. Both highways have been completely sprayed and weeds are dying. The road department could use 2 more full-time employees. The road department will pay for the signs as of right now, but later in the year, if the road department the cost of the signs hurts their budget the commissioners will help. 
Marhsall Unruh re-entered the meeting.
Kathie presented information on the FEMA money that the road department is supposed to be receiving. Kansas Department of Agriculture is needing permits for the culverts that have been placed on road 3 and 12.5 when the roads washed out during the rain. Anytime that water flow changes directions, a permit needs to be filled out with the Kansas Department of Agriculture. The County is capable of filling out the permit if we have the measurements. PENCO would be able to help with the permits for no less than $5,000.00. The amount of FEMA money the county would be able to get is roughly around $27,000.00 before any payments to others involved. The commissioners agreed to have PENCO fill out the permit on behalf of the county.
Doug Springsteel, Landfill Supervisor entered the meeting.
Doug talked to Gary Hill about moving the trailer at the old recycling center. Gary cannot move the trailer, but S&M Towing from Goodland can move the trailer. Doug will get ahold of S&M Towing to get the trailer moved to the landfill. Doug will get ahold of Reva Phillips and see when she can meet with the commissioners.
Marshall Unruh re-entered the meeting.
Currently the hog farm pays the county a set fee for the use of the county roads and maintenance. The commissioners would like to contact Charles Moser, County Attorney to create something similar to that agreement for Weskan Grain. The commissioners would also like to have Charles create a resolution that limits commercial traffic without an in-county destination. Chairman Townsend will get ahold of Charles to send a draft agreement and also a resolution.
Chairman Townsend moves to approve Resolution 2024-11 extending the burn ban. Commissioner Cowles seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Commissioner Cowles expressed concerns with Highway 40 by the new green house. Vehicles heading East Bound that are turning left into the greenhouse have to sit on the highway waiting for West Bound traffic to pass.
Brad and Eileen Porubsky, Hope Springs Administrators entered the meeting.
Eileen presented a list of the multiple items they had purchased totaling $14,308.00. The commissioners and Brad and Eileen discussed different expenses that each party has spent. The commissioners discussed responsibilities between Hope Springs and the County.
Hope Springs Responsibilities - Electricity, Gas, Water, Communication, Internet, Insurance, Light Bulbs, Batteries, Printers, Lincare, Trash, Vehicles, Plants, Small Kitchen Utensils, Office Supplies, Resident Care/Employee Pay, Flooring/Wall Upkeep, Pest Control
County Responsibilities- Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Insurance- Building Only, Larger Kitchen Appliances (stove, fridge, dishwasher, microwave), All furniture, Spa, Grounds keeping (mowing, mulch, rocks, snow removal), Hardware, Generator, Hot Water Heaters, Flooring/Wall Replacement, Medical Equipment (Wander Guard, Fire System, Call Light System)
Hope springs is at 31 residents right now and they just recently increased their license to be able to have 34 residents. Hope Springs requested that the county purchase another medical cart. They have one already have one cart, but they need another one due to being at full capacity. The state was very impressed with the Director of Nursing and how everything is organized on the medical cart. 
Commissioner Larson moves to approve the responsibility agreement with Hope Springs. Chairman Townsend seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Commissioner Larson moves to purchase the medical cart for Hope Springs for $4,495.00 plus freight possibly. Commissioner Cowles seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Recess at 12:00 pm.
Lissa Sexson, Wallace County Community Development Director entered the meeting. 
Reconvene at 1:01 pm.
Chairman Townsend moved to approve the May 7, 2024 minutes. Commissioner Larson seconded.AYE 3, NAY 0
The motion carried unanimously.
Lissa gave an update on the on-going projects. The hiring committee has 3 new applications to review in May. Wallace County has been chosen to be a part of the Targeted Recruitment Campaign. Only 18 counties across the state have been selected to participate in this program. Lissa has the 2024 music series lineup completed.
Chad with Hydraulic Powerlift Doors entered the meeting via zoom.
Chad and the commissioners discussed the installment process of the door at the Road Shop.
Brian Gailey, Brian’s Electric LLC entered the meeting.
Brian was contacted by Larry McDaniel last weekend to put electrical out front of the Senior Center. As Brian was looking around at what he would do, he found some electrical issues. At the exit on the inside of the building, there is no exit sign but there is wiring for it. Brian expressed some of the electrical concerns he has seen as the Senior Center. The commissioners give Brian permission to fix all of the electrical issues.
Applicant entered the meeting.
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 2:28 pm for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 2:38 pm. Invited in are the 3 commissioners, Clerk Colvin, Micaila Lock and Applicant.  Commissioner seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Returned to regular session at 2:38 pm.
Chairman Townsend makes a motion to hire Jaren Rains for lifeguard at $15.50. Commissioner Larson seconded.AYE 3, NAY 0
Applicant entered the meeting.
Commissioner Cowles moved to go into executive session at 2:39 pm for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 2:49 pm. Invited in are the 3 commissioners, Clerk Colvin, Micaila Lock and Applicant.  Commissioner Larson seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Returned to regular session at 2:49 pm. 
Commissioner Larson makes a motion to hire Zoey Gardner for lifeguard at $15.50. Chairman Townsend seconded.                                           AYE 3, NAY 0
Commissioner Larson moved to approve the April 23, 2024 minutes. Commissioner Cowles seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Applicant entered the meeting.
Commissioner Cowles moved to go into executive session at 3:13 pm for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 3:23 pm. Invited in are the 3 commissioners, Clerk Colvin, Micaila Lock and Applicant.  Commissioner Larson seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Returned to regular session at 3:23 pm. 
Commissioner Larson makes a motion to hire Mahalah Yarbrough for lifeguard at $15.00. Commissioner Cowles seconded.AYE 3, NAY 0
Commissioner Cowles makes a motion to approve the budget request for Wallace County Free Fair for $18,000.00. Chairman Townsend seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Clerk Colvin presented abatements 2023-00028 and 2023-00030 totaling $3,588.28 to be adjusted on the tax roll.
Commissioner Cowles moves to approve abatements 2023-00028 and 2023-00030 totaling $3,588.28. Commissioner Larson seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Marhsall Unruh re-entered the meeting.
The commissioners questioned what the civicplus mass notification bill is. Marhsall explained that the mass notification system is for any major happenings in an area of the county. The administration of the notification system would draw a square around an area of the county where a major event is happening. The commissioners are not in favor of renewing the mass notification system.
Applicant entered the meeting.
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 4:11 pm for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 4:21 pm. Invited in are the 3 commissioners, Clerk Colvin, Micaila Lock and Applicant.  Commissioner Cowles seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
Returned to regular session at 4:21 pm. 
Commissioner Larson makes a motion to hire Morgan Welsh for Assistant Pool Manager at $17.00. Commissioner Cowles seconded. AYE 3, NAY 0
The commissioners worked on their budgets for 2025.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:03 pm.


Commissioner Proceedings 8/09/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Maggie Figurilli, register of deed entered the meeting  Sherri Vincent, Entered the meeting Chairman Townsend called... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/30/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.    Warrants # 31445 – 31563 in the amount of $ 162,939.72 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/23/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Wendy Dunagan, Appraiser Entered the meeting  Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 1:30 pm... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/15/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Chairman Townsend called the meeting to order 9:59 A.M Lisa Axman representing Lewis, Hooper, & Dick, LLC Entered... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/9/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.   Warrants # 31392-31444 in the amount of $ 43,369.27 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/25/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.  Warrants # 31332 - 31391 in the amount of $ 158,285.44were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/11/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.  Warrants # 31275-31331 in the amount of $ 108,268.52 were approved for payment.... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/4/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, Deputy County Clerk present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Townsend for business at 4:30 p.m.... [More]

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USD 242 Board Meeting - August 2024

REGULAR MEETING: CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on August 12th, 2024 with Mr. Eric Purvis presiding.  ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr.... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - July 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room on July 8th, 2024 with President Eric Purvis presiding.  ROLL CALL  MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mrs. Christine Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Nolan Cox,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024 Special 2

The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 18th, 2024, at 8:30 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024 Special

The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 27th, 2024, at 7:00 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Macy Sexson,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - May 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson, Mrs.... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - April 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson (arrived... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - March 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on March 11, 2024, with Vice President Gabe Cox presiding.  ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan... [More]

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Sharon Springs City Council - August 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt,        ... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - July 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, City... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - June 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt,          ... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - May 2024 Special

The Sharon Springs City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall meeting room. Agenda item:  1.  Bid from McCormick Asphalt Paving-a Division of Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc.          ... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - May 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were President of the Council: Jay Sharp and Council Members: Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, Wendy Keadle, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - April 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Angie Van Allen,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - March 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - February 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, February 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]

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USD 241 Board Meeting - June 2024

ROLL CALL:  Ross  Cox Stephanie Johnson Craig Sloan Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandra Cullens Brad Chubb (Absent) Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal/A.D. JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Valerie Poe, Retiring Clerk,  Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - May 2024

ROLL CALL:  Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mark Kuhlman, seconded by Camron Funk, moved to approve the agenda... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - May 2024 Special

ROLL CALL:  Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan; via phone, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, AD, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk WAIVER OF NOTICE: Waiver of Notice was signed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mark Kuhlman moved,... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - April 2024 Special

Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Brad Chubb, Sandy Cullens, Mark Kuhlman, Camron Funk, Craig Sloan (Via Phone), Christ Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Jr-Hs Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk. The waiver of notice was signed by the board. Resignation:  stephanie... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - April 2024

ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens,  Brad Chubb APPROVAL OF AGENDA:  Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Craig Sloan, to approve the agenda as   amended. Motion carried, 7-0.  CONSENT ITEMS:  Minutes... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - March 2024

Roll Call:  Ross Cox, President, Stephanie Johnson, Vice President, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Mark Kuhlman arrived at 6:36, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, Athletic Director, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk, Patrons Approval of agenda:  Brad... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - February 2024

Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Etta Walker, School Attorney Approval of Agenda: Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Brad Chubb, to approve... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - January 2024

Roll call:  Craig Sloan (via phone), Sandy Cullens, Ross Cox, Mark Kuhlman, Stephanie Johnson, Camron Funk, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Connie Harrison, Tera Funk, Mya Funk, Jaelyn Ita, Darrell Welsh, Justin Haislip, Michele... [More]

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