Commissioner Proceedings 7/30/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.   
Warrants # 31445 – 31563 in the amount of $ 162,939.72 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount of $223,882.95 for the working period of June 23,2024, through July 20, 2024 were approved for payment. 
Kathy McDaniel entered the meeting. 
Rachelle Standley entered the meeting.
Chairman Townsend called the meeting to order at 8:32 am 
Kathy gave update on the senior center
Mike joined the meeting via phone.
Rachelle Standley discussed the opinions for a county appraiser and mentioned that she could take on Wallace County until the remaining of the term which ends June 30th, 2025. She said that she is a big advocate for agriculture and trying to keep the taxes at a fair value for the farmers.
Morgan Welsh assistant pool manager entered the meeting.
Morgan gave an update on the pool and how the summer went along with asking the commissioner if they could keep the pool open a little longer for water aerobics.
Anthony Garica road supervisor entered the meeting.
Anthony discussed a road audit from the state that they do every year. To make sure the roads are in good shape and if we could add any new roads.
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 9:30 am for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 5 minutes and return at 9:35 am Invited in are the 2 commissioners, Clerk Micaila Lock, Road Supervisor Anthony Garica. Chairman Townsend Seconded
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Return to regular meeting at 9:35 am no decision made 
Doug Springsteel landfill supervisor entered the meeting.
Doug discussed how his conference went. Told the commissions we need to register on compost pile. Also suggested that we do not take lithium batteries because of the fire hazard. He discussed opinions for tire disposal and along with finding land to expand the landfill which is a few years out, but we need to be looking.
Taylor Elder representing Central plains ag entered the meeting 
Taylor discussed the options of leasing the tractor for the road department and what the tractor would cost per year for a 3- and 5-year lease. He went over the warranty plans with each of the leases. 
Anthony discussed the options of selling the other tractors 
Chairman Townsend moved to go into executive session at 10:21 am for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 10:31 am Invited in are the 2 commissioners, Clerk Micaila Lock, Kathie Lay. Chairman Townsend Seconded 
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Return to regular meeting at 10:31 am no decision made
Marshall Unruh entered the meeting.
Marshall discussed the feedback he had received from community members about having judge Berens being the primary judge for Wallace County.
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 10:42 am for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 10:52 am. Invited are the 2 commissioners, Clerk Micaila Lock. Chairman Townsend Seconded  
AYE 2   NAY 0 
Return to regular meeting at 10:52 am no decision made.
Maggie Figurilli, Register of Deed entered the meeting.
Maggie discussed county maps and getting the approval of the funds to update the maps with the approximate cost of $300.00.
Chairman Townsend made the motion to approve the approximate $300.00 for new county maps. Commissioner Larson Seconded.
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Bob Bolen noxious weed and prairie dog supervisor entered the meeting.
Tonya Medina, Health Department Supervisor entered the meeting.
Tonya talked about making sure we have vaccination insurance just in case something was to happen to cause that vaccine to go bad. She also discussed budget items.
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 11:58 am for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 12:08 am Invited in are the 2 commissioners, Clerk Micaila Lock, County Attorney Charles Moser. Chairman Townsend Seconded
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Return to regular meeting at 12:08 am no decision made.
Lissa Sexson, Community Development, entered the meeting.
Lissa discussed the KDOT development projects in the county and doing updates on the sidewalks for a safe route to school.
Chairman Townsend made a motion to approve the July 15th, 2024, Special meeting minutes as amended. Commissioner Larson Seconded
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Helen Dobbs representing Land & Sky Scenic Byway entered the meeting.
Helen discussed putting a kiosk up and where we could place it in Wallace County because this is the only agriculture byway in the nation. The kiosk must be on KDOT right away because of insurance purposes
Chairman Townsend made a motion to approve the July 9th, 2024, regular meeting minutes. Commissioner Larson Seconded 
AYE 2  NAY 0
Chairman Townsend made a motion to approve the July 23rd, 2024, Special meeting minutes as amended. Commissioner Larson seconded.
AYE 2  NAY 0  
Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 3:20 pm for Personnel exception-Personnel matter of individual NON-ELECTED personnel for 10 minutes and return at 3:30 pm. Invited are the 2 commissioners, Clerk Micaila Lock, Kathie Lay. Chairman Townsend Seconded
AYE 2  NAY 0 
Return 3:30 pm to regular session no decision made.
There being no farther business meeting adjourned at 4:05pm 
Micaila Lock, County Clerk
Larry Townsend, Chairman
Becky Larson, Commissioner
Michael Cowles, Commissioner


Commissioner Proceedings 8/09/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Maggie Figurilli, register of deed entered the meeting  Sherri Vincent, Entered the meeting Chairman Townsend called... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/23/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Wendy Dunagan, Appraiser Entered the meeting  Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 1:30 pm... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/15/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Chairman Townsend called the meeting to order 9:59 A.M Lisa Axman representing Lewis, Hooper, & Dick, LLC Entered... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 7/9/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.   Warrants # 31392-31444 in the amount of $ 43,369.27 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/25/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.  Warrants # 31332 - 31391 in the amount of $ 158,285.44were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/11/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present.  Warrants # 31275-31331 in the amount of $ 108,268.52 were approved for payment.... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 6/4/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, Deputy County Clerk present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Townsend for business at 4:30 p.m.... [More]

Commissioner Proceedings 5/28/24

The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Brionna Colvin, County Clerk, and Micaila Lock, Deputy County Clerk present.  Warrants # 31207-31274 in the amount of $ 103,730.92 were approved... [More]

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USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024 Special 2

The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 18th, 2024, at 8:30 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024 Special

The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 27th, 2024, at 7:00 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Macy Sexson,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - June 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mrs. Christine Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Nolan Cox,... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - May 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson, Mrs.... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - April 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson (arrived... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - March 2024

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on March 11, 2024, with Vice President Gabe Cox presiding.  ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - February 2024 part 2

NEW BUSINESS Mr. Gabe Cox (Mr. Macy Sexon) nominated Mr. Purvis for President. Mr. Aaron Aldridge (Mr. Nolan Cox) moved that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Mr. Purvis.  Motion carried 6-0.  Mr. Macy Sexson (Mr. Nolan Cox) nominated Mr. Gabe Cox... [More]

USD 242 Board Meeting - February 2024 part 1

CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on February 12th 2024 with Board President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge (arrived at 8:00),... [More]

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Sharon Springs City Council - July 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, City... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - June 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt,          ... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - May 2024 Special

The Sharon Springs City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall meeting room. Agenda item:  1.  Bid from McCormick Asphalt Paving-a Division of Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc.          ... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - May 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were President of the Council: Jay Sharp and Council Members: Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, Wendy Keadle, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - April 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Angie Van Allen,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - March 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - February 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, February 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]

Sharon Springs City Council - January 2024

The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Council Members:  Verlan Wagoner, Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell, City Superintendent... [More]

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USD 241 Board Meeting - June 2024

ROLL CALL:  Ross  Cox Stephanie Johnson Craig Sloan Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandra Cullens Brad Chubb (Absent) Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal/A.D. JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Valerie Poe, Retiring Clerk,  Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - May 2024

ROLL CALL:  Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mark Kuhlman, seconded by Camron Funk, moved to approve the agenda... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - May 2024 Special

ROLL CALL:  Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan; via phone, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, AD, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk WAIVER OF NOTICE: Waiver of Notice was signed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mark Kuhlman moved,... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - April 2024 Special

Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Brad Chubb, Sandy Cullens, Mark Kuhlman, Camron Funk, Craig Sloan (Via Phone), Christ Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Jr-Hs Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk. The waiver of notice was signed by the board. Resignation:  stephanie... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - April 2024

ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens,  Brad Chubb APPROVAL OF AGENDA:  Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Craig Sloan, to approve the agenda as   amended. Motion carried, 7-0.  CONSENT ITEMS:  Minutes... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - March 2024

Roll Call:  Ross Cox, President, Stephanie Johnson, Vice President, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Mark Kuhlman arrived at 6:36, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, Athletic Director, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk, Patrons Approval of agenda:  Brad... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - February 2024

Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Etta Walker, School Attorney Approval of Agenda: Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Brad Chubb, to approve... [More]

USD 241 Board Meeting - January 2024

Roll call:  Craig Sloan (via phone), Sandy Cullens, Ross Cox, Mark Kuhlman, Stephanie Johnson, Camron Funk, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Connie Harrison, Tera Funk, Mya Funk, Jaelyn Ita, Darrell Welsh, Justin Haislip, Michele... [More]

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