Roll Call: Ross Cox, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk (absent), Stephanie Johnson, Todd Selzer, Mark Kuhlman, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, Andrew Korte, Etta Walker, Patrons
Approval of agenda:
Stephanie Johnson moved, seconded by Craig Sloan to approve the agenda, as amended. Motion carried 6 yea.
Consent items:
Minutes of September 11, 2023 regular meeting; September special meetings (4)
Approval of warrants: General Fund
Approval of financial reports
1. Treasurer’s report
2. Clerk’s cash summary
3. Revenue/expenditure report
4. Activity fund report
5. financial spreadsheet
Approval of consent items:
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Todd Selzer to approve consent items, as presented. Motion carried 6 yea.
Citizen’s comments:
Gary Haislip spoke.
Athletic/activities director: Andrew Korte
JH FB and VB are winding down for the season; HS VB league in Colby this week; and, Mr. Korte attended the bi-annual meeting in salina, this week.
Administrative reports:
A. NWKSC-Stephanie Johnson - In packet
B. NWKTC-Bruce Bolen - No report
C. Principal - Matt Brown
Friday is the end of the mid-term; parent teacher (student led) conferences are next week; Teacher walk-throughs with Mrs. Hammer and Mr. Brown are happening; Mock interviews went well; and Graduation requirements, beginning with this years 8th grade class, are changing.
D. Superintendent - Christy Hammer
Mrs. Hammer is still researching grants to help with the budget deficit; New HS gym floor is scheduled to begin in May; Phone systems will be updated during the Christmas break; 3 grants have been secured; and Fall play practice is starting.
Executive session: non-elected personnel
Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Craig Sloan to go into executive session for
Ten (10) minutes, for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel, to protect the privacy rights of said persons, to return to this room at 7:18 p.m. Mrs. Hammer and Mr. Brown are invited in. Motion carried 6 yea.
Discussion/Action Items:
1. Discuss supplementals
Brad Chubb moved, seconded by Stephanie Johnson to approve Megan Cox as a freshman class sponsor. Motion carried 5 yea, 1 abstain (Cox).
Stephanie Johnson moved, seconded by Ross Cox to approve Rebecca Rains as a freshman class sponsor. Motion carried 6 yea.
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Stephanie Johnson to approve Aften Gardner as forensics coach. Motion carried 5 yea, 1 nay (Chubb).
Stephanie Johnson moved, seconded by Ross Cox to approve Aften Gardner as JH quiz bowl sponsor. Motion carried 5 yea, 1 nay (Chubb).
Stephanie Johnson left the meeting.
Brad Chubb moved, seconded by Todd Selzer to approve Matt Pearce as JH girls head BB coach. Motion carried 5 yea.
Stephanie Johnson returned to the meeting.
2. KASB update policy review
Craig Sloan moved, seconded by Stephanie Johnson to approve policy GAAB, as presented. Motion carried 6 yea.
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Craig Sloan to approve policy IDAB, as presented. Motion carried 6 yea.
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Craig Sloan, to not adopt policy IFA. Motion carried 6 yea.
Brad Chubb moved, seconded by Craig Sloan to approve policies JBE; JCE; JDD; JDD-2; JDD-3; JDD -4; KN; KN-2; KN-3; and KN-4, as presented. Motion carried 6 yea.
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Stephanie Johnson to leave policy LED, as it is currently in policy book. Motion carried 6 yea.
3. Discuss open enrollment
Open enrollment was reviewed and discussed. Must be established by May 2024. Consensus was to adopt open enrollment at a later meeting, but no later than the December meeting.
4. Accept/reject 2011 suburban bids
Craig Sloan moved, seconded by Todd Selzer to reject all bids received. Motion carried 6 yea.
5. Accept resignation
Todd Selzer moved, with regret, seconded by Brad Chubb to accept the resignation from Matt Brown, as high school principal, at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6 yea.
6. Designate KASB delegate
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Craig Sloan to designate Stephanie Johnson as KASB delegate. Motion carried 5 yea, 1 abstain (Johnson)
7. Ala carte meals
Discussion was held pertaining to funding/charging for ala carte items. The consensus was to charge $1.00 for ala carte items, unless funding is made available to help with the cost, from donations.
Ross Cox moved, seconded by Stephanie Johnson to charge $1.00 fee for ala carte items, as presented. Motion carried 6 yea.
Mark Kuhlman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Clerk / President
(These minutes are considered unofficial until approved at the next regular board meeting on November 13, 2023)
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson Craig Sloan Camron Funk Mark Kuhlman Sandra Cullens Brad Chubb (Absent) Christy Hammer, Superintendent Andrew Korte, Principal/A.D. JoAnna Basgall, Clerk Valerie Poe, Retiring Clerk, Etta Walker, School Attorney APPROVAL... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mark Kuhlman, seconded by Camron Funk, moved to approve the agenda... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan; via phone, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, AD, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk WAIVER OF NOTICE: Waiver of Notice was signed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mark Kuhlman moved,... [More]
Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Brad Chubb, Sandy Cullens, Mark Kuhlman, Camron Funk, Craig Sloan (Via Phone), Christ Hammer, Superintendent, Matt Brown, Jr-Hs Principal, Joanna Basgall, Clerk. The waiver of notice was signed by the board. Resignation: stephanie... [More]
ROLL CALL: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Craig Sloan, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried, 7-0. CONSENT ITEMS: Minutes... [More]
Roll Call: Ross Cox, President, Stephanie Johnson, Vice President, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Mark Kuhlman arrived at 6:36, Christy Hammer, Superintendent, Andrew Korte, Athletic Director, JoAnna Basgall, Clerk, Patrons Approval of agenda: Brad... [More]
Roll Call: Ross Cox, Stephanie Johnson, Craig Sloan, Camron Funk, Mark Kuhlman, Sandy Cullens, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Etta Walker, School Attorney Approval of Agenda: Mark Kuhlman moved, seconded by Brad Chubb, to approve... [More]
Roll call: Craig Sloan (via phone), Sandy Cullens, Ross Cox, Mark Kuhlman, Stephanie Johnson, Camron Funk, Brad Chubb, Christy Hammer, Matt Brown, Val Poe, JoAnnna Basgall, Andrew Korte, Connie Harrison, Tera Funk, Mya Funk, Jaelyn Ita, Darrell Welsh, Justin Haislip, Michele... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Angie Van Allen, City... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, June 3, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor Verlan Wagoner and Council Members: President Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in special session on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall meeting room. Agenda item: 1. Bid from McCormick Asphalt Paving-a Division of Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc. ... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were President of the Council: Jay Sharp and Council Members: Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, Wendy Keadle, City Clerk Angie Van Allen,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, AB Smith City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Angie Van Allen,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Monday, February 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Mayor: Verlan Wagoner, Council Members: Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, Dennis Mote, Steve Paul, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell,... [More]
The Sharon Springs City Council met in regular session Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Those present were Council Members: Verlan Wagoner, Jay Sharp, Tim Elder, City Attorney Allan Hurlburt, City Clerk Wendy Keadle, Deputy Clerk Allison Mitchell, City Superintendent... [More]
The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 18th, 2024, at 8:30 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis,... [More]
The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in special session, June 27th, 2024, at 7:00 am in the board room with President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Macy Sexson,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 6:30 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mrs. Christine Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Nolan Cox,... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson, Mrs.... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan Cox, Mr. Eric Purvis, Mr. Kyle Riedel, Mr. Macy Sexson (arrived... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on March 11, 2024, with Vice President Gabe Cox presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge, Mr. Gabe Cox, Mr. Nolan... [More]
NEW BUSINESS Mr. Gabe Cox (Mr. Macy Sexon) nominated Mr. Purvis for President. Mr. Aaron Aldridge (Mr. Nolan Cox) moved that nominations cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Mr. Purvis. Motion carried 6-0. Mr. Macy Sexson (Mr. Nolan Cox) nominated Mr. Gabe Cox... [More]
CALL TO ORDER The Board of Education of Unified School District 242, Wallace County, Kansas, met in regular session at 7:00 pm in the Board Room on February 12th 2024 with Board President Eric Purvis presiding. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Aaron Aldridge (arrived at 8:00),... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Maggie Figurilli, register of deed entered the meeting Sherri Vincent, Entered the meeting Chairman Townsend called... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31445 – 31563 in the amount of $ 162,939.72 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Wendy Dunagan, Appraiser Entered the meeting Commissioner Larson moved to go into executive session at 1:30 pm... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Chairman Townsend called the meeting to order 9:59 A.M Lisa Axman representing Lewis, Hooper, & Dick, LLC Entered... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31392-31444 in the amount of $ 43,369.27 were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the amount... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31332 - 31391 in the amount of $ 158,285.44were approved for payment. Payroll warrants in the... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in regular session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, and Micaila Lock, County Clerk present. Warrants # 31275-31331 in the amount of $ 108,268.52 were approved for payment.... [More]
The Wallace County Board of Commissioners met in special session with, Larry Townsend, Chairman, Michael Cowles, Commissioner, Becky Larson, Commissioner, Micaila Lock, Deputy County Clerk present. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Townsend for business at 4:30 p.m.... [More]
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